Yet another summer reading season has come to an end. It was a fun, fun summer with lots of shows and lots of travel! My cousin Morgan who has assisted me for the past 4 years during the summer will now be moving on as she will be living in Valdosta as she starts her Sophomore year of college, and next summer will get a "real" job working at Home Depot. The end of an era has come!
So, to Morgan I say this: "Mo, you are sure gonna miss me next summer when you are having to work at your "real" job!" To say goodbye - I shall post a pic of Mo and myself below...word.

Below I will list a few links to articles that have appeared about the show over the summer! Feel free to peruse them at your pleasure!
The Verge This is an nice article from "The Verge" - a local magazine in Augusta - the story starts on page 11.
Flickr Photos of the show this summer at the Wagner Library in SC.
Aiken Standard This one is from The Aiken Standard.