Wednesday, February 11, 2015

"The Raven" - Celebrity Reading Videos!

Greetings Everyone,
Before we get to the videos, I would like to say that I am very excited that there is only 1 day left open for October 2015, and November is already booking up quickly as well.  So, if you haven't booked a date yet for next school year, consider a nice kickoff in September for a unit on Poe or other classic authors of mystery and horror!

Now then, it's on to the videos.  I have found several videos of famous actors reading The Raven - I will share a few of my favorites below for your enjoyment.

Video #1  - Christopher Lee (Saruman from Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit!)  I love Mr. Lee's voice, and he does a great job here - and I always picture Saruman reading this in his tower in Middle Earth...Enjoy!

Video # 2  This one is a shout out to all the Spiderman/Comic/Marvel fans - Stan Lee reading The Raven!  His enthusiasm is contagious!

Video #3 The man himself, Vincent Price, who is the master of all things Poe!  A great rendition of The Raven - and he has great renditions of several other Poe works.

Video #4  A most unique telling of The Raven by none other than The Simpsons on their Halloween Special - with a guest voice of James Earl Jones!

Bart The Raven from SFL-TV on Vimeo.

Those are a few of my favorites - feel free to use them to introduce YOUR students to The Raven!  I have had a few media specialists use The Simpsons version prior to my programs - which is where I first watched it many years ago at a middle school in Henry County right before I started my performance.

Have a great day!