Tuesday, April 26, 2011

New Look to the Website!!!!

After many, many hours the website has been updated and uploaded. It was a nerve-wracking experience as I went to hit the "publish" button and erase all the old material and replace it with the new stuff.
Thankfully only a few tweaks were needed (so far!) and everything worked the way it should.

Here's a couple of links to some nice articles on the site if you have not seen them yet. Just click on the pictures below to read the whole thing.

While doing all this, I have learned quite a few things about computer stuff in general, including how to take a snapshot of a webpage and then turn it into a picture that can be uploaded. I enjoy working on website design, although the lack of sleep with two kids 3 and under catches up to you after being up all night several nights in a row designing and editing things.

Now everyone go back over to the main website and explore and let me know if you find any strange things that need to be corrected.

Have fun!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Chad, I took two of my children to your show in Springfield, Ga on July 19. I am the mother who helped with the rings, Miss Buffy. I just wanted to say that we loved your show and my three year old son went home trying to make things disappear. Thank you for a wonderful afternoon, and we will definitley be at your next show. Thank you again.